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February 17, 2006 09:00 AM UTC

Hanna Wants Reparations

  • by: Colorado Pols

According to the Rocky Mountain News, State Sen. Deanna Hanna demanded “reparations” from a real estate group after lying to her about an endorsement process:

A Lakewood senator peeved that a real estate organization endorsed her Republican opponent in her last election demanded the group pay her $1,400 in “reparations.”

Sen. Deanna Hanna, a Democrat, said Thursday that she did nothing wrong, but the leader of the Senate Republicans called it “extortion.” Hanna said the Jefferson County Realtors Association in 2004 announced it would not endorse any candidate in the Senate race, but the state group then contributed at least $1,400 to her opponent.

“The point is I got screwed in the process and I was upset I was treated so shabbily,” Hanna said. “They lied to me. My word is gold, and I expect to be treated with the same level of integrity.”

She complained to the political arm of the Association of Realtors, the Realtors Small Donor Committee, and asked for “$1,400 in post-election debt relief . . . in order to set things straight,” according to an RSDC letter. The group gave Hanna $400, and in 2005 she demanded the rest.

“My reparations request stands,” Hanna wrote to the committee. “It is my hope that you will make our relationship whole again. There are going to be some very important issues ahead of us.”

Hanna probably has a right to be upset at the endorsement process if they told her they wouldn’t endorse a candidate and then later gave her opponent money, but demanding “reparations” is a little silly. Calling it “extortion” as some Republicans have done in an attempt to put Hanna in a worse light, is a bit much, but this was a stupid thing for Hanna to do.


32 thoughts on “Hanna Wants Reparations

  1. Is this woman serious?  REPARATIONS!?!?!?!?

    I got news for you honey — if they said they wouldn’t endorse anyone and then the SDC gave money to Merritts…it happens.  It’s politics.  People change their minds.  Heck, they may have even mislead you.

    But they don’t owe you diddly squat.  Does every lefty have such a welfare entitlement mentality?  They said they’d stay out of the race and then gave money to my opponent, wah wah wah, gimme mine now!  I demand it!

    My goodness, I used to live in Lakewood.  If I’d have known she was such an empty suit maybe I’d have run against her just for fun.

  2. OK, fair play to COPols for posting this article (after a couple of folks, myself included) pestered you about it.

    But your comment that Hanna ‘has a right to be upset’ is only so much bullhockey.

    No politician has a “right” to anyone’s donation, and if the JeffCo Realtors decided to back a candidate after first saying no, that’s their perogative.

    And the testy (in writing, no less!) reply given by Hanna is proof positive of her arrogance.  She is unfit to be an elected anything, including dog catcher.

  3. I am a resident of Lakewood, and was happy to have a Hanna sign on my lawn, but unless there is more to this story than appears in the Rocky then I am going to have to say that she is completely wrong on this one.
      The way the piece is written, this seems to me to be a particularly ugly example of the interplay of money and politics.
      The Republican administration in Washington wallows in corruption and they circle the wagons to protect the criminals. Unless we want to be like them, we have to hold our Party members at all levels to a higher standard. I hope someone can tell me there is another side to this story, because if there isn’t then we have to let Hanna know that this is not acceptable.

  4. TBTH, I was about to praise you for at least being forthright enough to call a spade a spade, until you decided to fire the broadside shot.

    Please tell me that you at least have heard the names John Huang, Charlie Trie, and Maria Hsia in your days?

  5. I have BMR, and I almost thank you for almost praising my forthrightness.

    Now lets see if you can name a few sitting Republican leaders who you would like to call out for their malfeasance.

    Your turn to call a spade a spade. Which Republican in office today do you think should be the subject of ethical inquiry?

  6. Beauprez, I’ll answer the questions that are directed my way, thanks very little for your help, though.

    First of all, you went from this:

    “The Republican administration in Washington wallows in corruption and they circle the wagons to protect the criminals.”

    To this:

    Now lets see if you can name a few sitting Republican leaders who you would like to call out for their malfeasance.

    Your turn to call a spade a spade. Which Republican in office today do you think should be the subject of ethical inquiry?


    So let’s talk specifics, TBTH.  YOU name the individual and the “crime”, and I’ll be happy to let you know what I think and how action should proceed.

  7. Corrupt politicians beholden to their ‘cash constituents’ come in both red and blue.  But spade being spades, let’s be truthful about the high level of stink coming out of the K-Street republican-revolving-door capitol brothel.

  8. I think you mean “purported, alleged crimes,” BMR.  No point in going too far out on the limb on a hypothetical question!  Or in the famous words of an indicted Chicago aldarman, “I deny the allegations and I defy the alligators!”

  9. “Stupid is as stupid does.”
      -Forrest Gump

    Does the public know how genuinely stupid this woman is?  She went through freshman orientation thinking that “fiscal notes” were “physical notes”, and didn’t know what the general fund was.  She thought corporations paid for the cost of legislation.

    She thought people could bet on simulcast horse racing AFTER the race was run.

    She suggested that “Tough Man” competitions should be called “Tough Person” competitions. 

    Then she told others in the Senate that her bill wasn’t “rocket surgery”.

    On this latest deal, I honestly don’t know if she’s corrupt or just stupid and doesn’t know any better.  Either way, she should resign.

  10. BMR,

    Your answer is exactly what I am talking about.
    It is that lack of willingness to admit fault, and the preference for politicizing debate, that makes the current corrupt incarnation of Republican leadership so worth replacing.
      There are some intelligent and well intentioned members of the Republican rank and file who sincerely believe in fiscal responsibility, non-intrusive government, and ethical behavior, but the party has been hijacked by a corrupt, invasive, big spending, self serving minority that has no qualms lining their pockets, lying about it, and thinking that if they can control the system so there is no accountability that then they did nothing wrong.

      When someone in my party does anything that has even the appearance of impropriety, I call them on it. I did so right here in this thread.
      You invite me to bring charges against the criminals in your party, and it is very tempting to take you up on your offer and catalog all the atrocities, but that is not what my question to you was about. I wanted to see if you were willing to identify and condemn the people who drag the name of your party through the mud, or if you would join the questionable morality of supporting those people who think everything is ok if it keeps power in their hands.
      Or perhaps, in your eyes the concentration of power in the hands of a small number of people somehow left them uncorrupted for the first time in history.

  11. RE: Oh, really?
    The sad thing is, she REALLY is that stupid.  She isn’t bright enough to be corrupt.  This tantrum about the realtors is just that.  She is too stupid to understand why throwing THIS fit, about THIS thing, is ludicrus!
    The several examples provided by “Oh,really” pertaining to her misunderstandings and stupidities only barely scratch the surface.

  12. Your answer is exactly what I am talking about.
    It is that lack of willingness to admit fault,


    Criminy. I asked you to provide some specifics, and you failed to do that, and instead kept painting with that wide brush of yours.  Where do you get your ideas – from Howard Dean?

    Give me some specifics and I’ll be happy to provide my own thoughts on he or she that you’re accusing of being “criminal”.

  13. BMR why won’t you answer TBTH’s question?  Surely you can indetify one R who has done the party wrong.  Someone who pretends to have the public good in mind while lining his own pockets.  Sleazy, all dressed up.

    Why won’t you answer?  OOOO, pausible deniability? I like it.

  14. I DID respond to her question – or actually, her wide-brush accusation that said: 

    “The Republican administration in Washington wallows in corruption and they circle the wagons to protect the criminals.”

    And I asked her to provide some specifics, rather than the usual Howard Dean-generated blather.

    Who are the criminals that are being “protected”?

    If TBTH or you want to name and accuse, then do it, don’t hide behind the DNC BS.

  15. I don’t want to name and accuse. I want to demonstrate the IOKIYAR lack of forthrightness that I think is poisoning what could be a decent party, and you are doing a great job doing that.

    You want me to accuse, so you can defend. You fit in well with the ‘not my responsibility’ attitude of the leadership of a party that once was about personal responsibility.

    Perhaps unrealistically, I want people to represent me who will stand up and make decisions based on right and wrong, just and unjust, instead of personal gain.
      The sad truth is that there is both a lack of Democrats and a lack of Republicans who are willing to demonstrate that sort of courage. The Democrats are scrambling towards the center in hopes of ‘electability’ and the Republicans mistake shamelessness for courage.

      I can list in great detail why I think certain Republicans are being a shameful embarassment to your party, but I am not going to change your mind. What would create real change is if you yourself were able to look at the people who are abusing your trust and loyalty and insist they act with more honor. I don’t really care if you make any sort of public acknowledgement here that you have some problems at the highest levels of your party. I just hope that you can privately admit it to yourself and start helping our country by holding them accountable.

  16. Hey, Becky. Got to admit you annoy me. But, could you ease up on the mouse a bit when you post. Stumbling over your posts once is annoying. Doing it twice in a row is, well… (But, then, I’m foolish enough to read them twice.) Okay, the great philosopher comes to mind: “Fool me once, ah, ah, ah, shame on me. Fool me twice, ah, um, ah, ah… You can’t get fooled again! Hehhehhehhehheh…”

  17. The last thing I want to do is annoy you George, but if you could see how fast I click off the site to try and avoid double posts, I know you’d feel more pity than annoyance.

  18. The last thing I want to do is annoy you George, but if you could see how fast I click off the site to try and avoid double posts, I know you’d feel more pity than annoyance.

  19. “The Republican administration in Washington wallows in corruption and they circle the wagons to protect the criminals.”


    I guess this isn’t an accusation?  If not, what else could it possibly be?

  20. George, it may be the TRUTH (I’m sure that the all caps help to prove your point), but you sure couldn’t tell from anything that anyone has said on this thread. I think that might be BMR’s point–at least in part.

    An accusation like that deserves to be fleshed out, discussed, and accepted or rejected on the merit of the ideas behind the statement. I’ll happily dismiss it out of hand if the accusers can’t make even a rudimentary stab at explaining the specifics.

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